Consolidate Your Debt And Leverage Your Increased Real Estate Value With A Refinance!
With the recent news that in the past year Greater Vancouver real estate prices had increased by an average of 18% from […]
Announcing The Tax Deductible Mortgage Plan Affiliation
Make your mortgage tax deductible and pay it off years sooner! This is my first note today about Tax Deductible Mortgage Plan […]
Mortgage Broker Supports Crackdown Policies. Meet One Who Doesn’t.
I was reading the Globe website today and saw this article about a mortgage broker in Toronto who thinks that the mortgage […]
Should You Buy a Home in 2011?
Attractive mortgage rates lured more home buyers into the market in 2010. Doom and gloom predictions brought on by the HST, tighter […]
Government Mortgage Regulation Change Observations
As has been mentioned in numerous media outlets the past week, the federal government has made the decision to further tighten the […]
Bankers and Ottawa discuss how to make it harder to borrow money…again
Commentary on a recent report about the Canadian federal government and the banks in discussions to make mortgage lending more difficult.