2.69% For 3 Year Fixed Mortgage!

We have a new promotion today for a 3 year fixed mortgage for 2.69% for 3 years. Contact us today to apply! […]

Jeff Evans
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Mortgage Rules Changing Again!

Here we go again. The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions had proposed new guidelines for mortgage underwriting back in March and final Residential Mortgage Underwriting Practices and Procedures were released to financial institution…

Jeff Evans
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Vancouver Mortgage Broker Responds to OFSI Report Part 1

The OFSI recently published an amended report regarding proposed changes to mortgage lending policies in Canada. In the report, they made the […]

Jeff Evans
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Special Legal Fee Mortgage Promotion

I have news of an exciting promotion available to visitors to my website. Contact me today, and quote the code LEGAL0612 in […]

Jeff Evans
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3.09% for 5 year fixed!

Rates have come down with some of my lenders this past week.

Jeff Evans
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Time to Renew?

With a blink of an eye, five years is over and you’re starting to get the notices reminding you that your mortgage is up for renewal. You may have conveniently gotten your renewal papers in the mail from your lender offering you a rate that’s lower tha…

Jeff Evans
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Self-Employed Borrowers Could See Tougher Times Ahead

Recent studies have shown that self employment is on the rise, making up approximately 15% of the workforce in Canada. However, the trend is making it more difficult for the self-employed and other unique prospective mortgage clients to get a mortgage….

Jeff Evans
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home buyer programs BC

Home Buyer Programs in BC Summarized

Speaking with a client this week, they were mentioning a government home buyer program that gives them $10,000 for being a first-time […]

Jeff Evans
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2.89% fixed rate mortgage for 4 years!

I have been enjoying all the radio, TV and print ads from the major banks telling everyone about 2.99% for 4 years […]

Jeff Evans
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The CENTUM Network To Make Children’s Wishes Come True

If you go on The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada website, you’ll see a video about Darcy Lee. He’s a 6 year old with Idiopathic lymphedema(with pleural and pancardial infusions), an illness usually resulting from an impaired lymp…

Jeff Evans
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