Real Estate Owners, Mortgage Brokers and Home Buyers due for a “Reality Check”

Today I got this article come across my desk from the Financial Post talking about the “new reality” that everyone in the housing market will be facing in the near future. It is talking about the historical returns in the appreciation of real estate and how they are unsustainable, and gives some examples of people who have recently been burned by speculation in the real estate market.


Real Estate Prices and Sales Down in Vancouver

The mortgage news of the day today is that the Canadian housing market has cooled down considerably the past couple months compared to this time last year. The Canadian Real Estate Association has reported that housing sales are down 45% in Vancouver this year compared to July of 2009. Prices have also dropped since April, now being down 2.8 percent.


Online Mortgage Applications – Do You Know Who You Are Dealing With?

A question that I often receive when meeting with mortgage clients is “why is it that you do not have an online mortgage application?” I think today is a good day to write about exactly why I do not employ this tool in my mortgage operation, and I think it is food for thought for everyone searching for a mortgage on the internet. (more…)

Another Debate on Variable vs. Fixed Mortgages

In this article in the Financial Post, the age old debate of variable rate mortgages vs. fixed rate mortgages is raised…yet again. It infers that people are in over their heads with variable rate mortgages and that most people are best getting into a fixed rated mortgage. (more…)

ICICI Bank Joins The Mortgage Broker Channel

Although I had heard of ICICI Bank previously, we as mortgage brokers did not have access to them for our clients, and the client would have to go directly to one of their few branches to obtain a mortgage. However, this has now changed, and I now have access to this relatively new bank. There is a good article on them at the Financial Post, talking about their quick rate of growth. (more…)

Keep The Condo…Pay Down The Mortgage…Lower Your Taxes

On the Globe and Mail website today is a segment in which a reader poses a question about her financial situation and a financial planner provides some advice.

In this segment, a 57 year old woman on disability with some savings, some equity in a condominium and a fairly manageable mortgage asks how to best go about her finances when it comes to retirement. (more…)