An Unusual Day As A Mortgage Broker

Jeff Evans

My Response To The Bankers

I responded in kind (I scrubbed the below reply to her name, the name of the original banker on it and the institution. It would be more fun to put it all on there for the world wide web to see but I guess I have a little sense of diplomacy.)

Hi (name withheld), thank you for faxing me the fax you received. It appears to be a printout of my website, but I have no knowledge of why you had it faxed to you, except for one thing.

This morning, I received a very unusual post from my website from someone who sent me the following message:


Do You Trust Your Banker?

Jeff, I would be really interested to hear the benefits I would have dealing with yourself vs. a trusted bank. Can I book an appointment to see you anytime if I have concerns with my mortgage after the purchase? If I want to make a change in my payment do I come see you? What options do I have if I’m in the middle of my term and feel like renewing my mortgage early? Does your company offer bank accounts and credit cards or do I have to go to an untrusted banker for that? I trust my banker with all my financial concerns. Good luck!

I was able to trace this back to someone who is a (bank name withheld) employee, someone who in the email called themselves (name withheld), I do not know if thats a real name or a false name. My guess is whoever it was printed my website off and sent it to your fax number.

I do not think its good for your bankers pretending to be independent parties when posting comments to me and sending my information out to your branch about my website. I also find it unusual that you cannot tell me the source of where the fax came from, as every fax received or sent has the source of the fax printed on it. Maybe the person at your bank printed out my website and you thought it was faxed to you? Do they go to the same machine?

I am also glad you trust yourselves as bankers, and I can tell it was a great headline as it really caught the attention of some people apparently. If you did read further though you would read the story, and it would provide a little more context to something that people at your branch (or bank) appear to be taking personally as if I am brandishing every banker as Satan. Clearly, I am not saying that all bankers are bad bankers, and the bank in question on that article was not your institution. However, do you really think that people should blindly trust their banker as many of them do? I don’t suggest people trust anyone blindly, but many people tend to look at the banks as some kind of God and put unquestioned faith in their bank and I will continue to stand by the point that doing so (is) not a good idea.

Thank you for sending this to me.


Jeff Evans

I should also note that when I wrote this response I didn’t get a reply since it was after 5 pm and they had gone home, but my phone is still on and I am still speaking with clients. 🙂


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