The CENTUM Network To Make Children’s Wishes Come True

Jeff Evans

If you go on The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada website, you’ll see a video about Darcy Lee. He’s a 6 year old with Idiopathic lymphedema(with pleural and pancardial infusions), an illness usually resulting from an impaired lymphatic system (part of the immune system that deals with infections). The illness causes swelling in the body, most commonly in the arms and legs. There currently isn’t a cure for this illness.

Darcy lives with his parents on the East Coast of Prince Edward Island, and has been amazingly brave through his fight to get better. Darcy’s big wish was to have his grandparents move to PEI from Edmonton because it’s important for him to have his family around. His case was referred to Children’s Wish and his family received the call that Darcy’s wish would be granted. Children’s Wish was going to help Darcy’s grandparents move to PEI so they can all be together.

The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada is the largest wish granting agency in Canada, making hundreds of wishes come true every year. Darcy’s wish is one of 18,000 wishes that Children’s Wish has granted to children diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. Once a child has been approved for a wish, the team at Children’s Wish are committed to making that wish come true. They have never denied an eligible child a wish, despite some of the most complex wishes imaginable.

This is why we at CENTUM are so proud to announce that Children’s Wish has been chosen by our Network to be our national charity. It’s important for us to be able to contribute back to our communities as a national organization. We asked our Network members which charity they wanted to support and The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada was overwhelmingly the number one choice.

We’re very excited to be contributing to such a worthy cause and to help make a difference to families who have been through so much.


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