ICICI Bank Joins The Mortgage Broker Channel

Jeff Evans

Although I had heard of ICICI Bank previously, we as mortgage brokers did not have access to them for our clients, and the client would have to go directly to one of their few branches to obtain a mortgage. However, this has now changed, and I now have access to this relatively new bank. There is a good article on them at the Financial Post, talking about their quick rate of growth.

I did recently receive an announcement email from them, but it appears that they are starting slowly, which is normal for a new mortgage lender in the broker channel. Since they are one of the largest banks in India, and they are quickly growing in Canada, I am hopeful that they can shake things up a little amongst that banks.

I will be keeping my ears open about them in the future and be waiting to see if they become a viable option for my clients.

Are you looking for a mortgage specifically from ICICI Bank, or are you just looking for the best deal available for you? Fill out the form, let me know, and we can help you get whichever option you prefer.

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